Dr. Tamara Hunter

Dr. Tamara N. Hunter has worked to improve the lives of vulnerable children and families for more than fifteen years. She is the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Commission for Children and Families, an advisory body to the County’s Board of Supervisors on matters impacting systems-involved children, youth, and families. Dr. Hunter, a macro practitioner, has extensive experience and expertise in public child welfare; having designed, implemented, and managed programs, administered internal operations, and led cross-sector collaborative teams. She has published, presented, and lectured on these topics.
Dr. Hunter also leads the Southern California Grantmakers + Los Angeles County Child and Family Well-Being Funders Collaborative. The Child and Family Well-Being Funders Collaborative brings together philanthropy and the public sector for shared learning, relationship building, and identification of opportunities for systems-level collective impact to advance child and family well-being. Dr. Hunter is also a Strategic Liaison with the Center for Strategic Partnerships and leads the Child and Family Well-Being Funders Collaborative.