Kiran Saluja

Kiran Saluja is the Executive Director of the PHFE WIC, a program of Heluna Health. WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. PHFR runs the largest local WIC agency in the country, serving approximately 200,000 participants every month in the Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino Counties in California. WIC services are provided by 575 plus staff working at 46 WIC sites. Ms. Saluja is a Registered Dietitian. She obtained her Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from the UCLA School of Public Health. She also holds a Masters and Bachelor's degree from the University of Delhi, India. Ms. Saluja is a passionate supporter of breastfeeding and has participated in numerous breastfeeding coalitions, task forces and special committees at the local, state and federal levels. She served on the Board of the National WIC Association for seven years and was Board Chair in 2012. WIC is not a profession, it is her vocation.
She has spoken at National, State and local conferences about WIC, breastfeeding and nutrition education, including before the U.S. Congress in 2010 and at the Institute of Medicine in 2011.